Monday, August 09, 2021

Published Monday, August 09, 2021 by with 0 comment

Coronavirus - Sunday 8th August 2021

We went to visit Martin on Monday. He's in the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability in Putney. 2 visits are allowed a week, each for up to 2 people. It doesn't have to be close relatives anymore. We needed to do a lateral flow test but could do it at home and show the result. Had to wear masks all the time we were there and they even provided us with new paper ones. He was sitting up which I didn't except. He's lost weight since last time I saw him which would have been March 2020. He breathes normally but has a tracheostomy by which I guess he's fed. It also needed to be cleared whilst we were there as I guess swallowing can be a problem. His mouth was open which was a bit off putting. Mentally he seems pretty much the same. The place itself is excellent on the face of it. Staff extremely friendly and helpful and you got the impression he is very well cared for. Felt OK going up to London and travelling on the tube. The vast majority if people were wearing masks. Fell foul of the off-peak ticket restrictions on the way back so had to pay for an upgrade. It doesn't take long to start getting pissed off with the railways again. Very quick journey though, 22 mins. We won another gold in the team 3 day eventing. Had the new settees delivered. We won a couple of golds in sailing. On Wednesday we walked the Thames path from Windsor to Maidenhead. Spotted this church near Boveney run by The Friends of Friendless Churches.
Had a nice lunch in the restaurant in Bray Marina. Spotted this on the way into MaidenheadTom Dean won gold in the 200 m freestyle and in the relay. Apart from a bit of mask wearing and hand sanitising things almost felt back to normal. We won a gold in show jumping. Went for a swim early on Thursday. Had first Thursday drinks at The Fox And Hounds in the evening. We probably got more golds but didn't watch. Went for a swim on Friday afternoon. Bit of a lazy day on Saturday. Thought I might be able to watch Reading away at Stoke but you cant anymire if you live in the UK. They lost 3 2. M did her ghost pubs of Coley walk in the evening for a few people down the street. I joined for a few pints after in The Castle Tap. A good start to the day on Sunday, finished the Everyman crossword before we got up. Went over to Brendan and Lynda's for eats in the garden in the afternoon. Their lad Dan is getting married in the states in November. They're hoping to go but not sure they'll be able to. Dan can as he's going to live out there.


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