Monday, May 25, 2020

Published Monday, May 25, 2020 by with 0 comment

Coronavirus - Sunday 24th May

Lovely morning on Monday so went out earlyish on the mountain bike along the Kennet to Theale. Heard my first cuckoo of the year just as the path leaves the river past The Cunning Man. Stopped to see if I could spot it but it stopped singing as I did so. Came back a slightly different way via a footbridge over tha M4 near North Street.

Decided to finally take a look at the Nunhide folly. 
Followed the track into the woods but it was too steep to cycle. Came back down via Pincents Manor. Had a shower and a bit of breakfast when I got back and then just sat at the end of the garden with M for couple of hours it was so nice. Discovered the weed I took a photo of last week is Red Valerian. Spent most of the rest of the afternoon and evening recording a starter track fot The Weight. Needed to get the timing spot on as Garth was going to program drums. Thought it would  also be best if I could break it down into repeatable sections so everyone else could do the same but found the timing kept going out. In the end recorded the whole guitar part in one take with a bass drum track.
Another lovely morning on Tuesday. M went for a run and I went out on the mountain bike again. This time I went back over the newly discover footbridge over the M4 to see if I could find a way through to the start of our walk last Sunday. It looks on the map that the old road goes under the motorway but it doesn't. 
However did find a way via the road that goes over but not clearly marked on the map. Then found a nice path along the railway to Purley near Mapledurham lock and then back down the Thames path. The festival site looked very picturesque, full of buttercups.
Started cutting down the dead cherry tree out the front so spent most of the day outdoors. Cooked a mousagne for tea.
Another glorious day on Wednesday but decided to take it easy apart from our regular house cleaning. M got to know that she's got funding for the PhD. Fantastic news. The champagne is on order. She offically starts oñ October 1st.
Went down the hop with Andy and Kelvin in the evening but only for 40 mins as Kelvin was at the barn and need to get back to Hawes.
Another glorious day on Thursday so I did the southern half of my off road round Reading route first thing.
Some interesting graffiti under the motorway out by Lodden Bridge
and a charming little ford over an unnamed stream.
Sat out in the garden for a bit but by 12 30 it was too hot so came in.
Recorded a Ukulele Blues track. The idea is that instruments are sequentally added. Thought it might make an interesting collaboration.
M made face masks.
Had virtual G n Ts with T,S,J and A followed by a call with Penno, Kevin and Adrienne.
Bit of a lazy day on Friday. Finished off Play With Fire. Had a call with the Kelly clan in the evening with the champagne. Watched the 97 election after but fell asleep.
Had a test of the virtual festival idea with T and J on Saturday. I seems to be better sound when done via Google Hangouts but it looks like you need Chrome to get the sound apart from having a Google account. 
Made a mushroom pie for tea. Watched TV including more of the 97 election.
On Sunday went for a walk down by the Coley water meadows. I'm always pleasantly surprised at how nice it is and so close to the town centre really. Saw a flock of a few hundred starlings. It looked like they were feeding on the long grass.
We did socially distanced bingo down the street outside Derek and Steve's. M won a couple of lines and I won a spot prize which is a meal at Derek and Steve's when we can do that.
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Monday, May 18, 2020

Published Monday, May 18, 2020 by with 0 comment

Coronavirus - Sunday 17th May

Decided to cycle along the Kennet to Theale but as it was such a nice morning headed over to Pangbourne and back down The Warren via Hardwick Stud.
Spotted a yellowhammer which I haven't seen for a while and plenty of goslings by the Thames.
Did about 20 miles in all. Spotted people going into an estate agents in Caversham. Not sure if that's because of yesterday's rule change but seemed odd.
Had a zoom with the Kelly clan in the evening.
On Tuesday morning I did a ride following route 4 then branched off to Chalkhouse Green and followed my round Reading route to Playhatch.
Spotted a fine display of red hot pokers just outside Sonning.
Did some Soundtrap in the afternoon. Working on a version of I Am A Pilgrim to utilise my banjo. Pete is doing Street Life, the Roxy Music version.
On Wednesday morning Tony came round to fix the stiff tap in the bathroom in a socially distanced manner. The volunteer scheme seems to be working OK. He's going to start furloughing himself and Sue will probably retire from the BBC when this all over as she can't face commuting.
Had the usual night down The Hop Leaf with Andy and Kelvin but this time with the Westvleteren. Wow what a beer. Easily the best of that type I've tasted. Expensive though and hard to come by.
On Thursday I went for a ride on my road bike. JR had told me about the Lovibonds brewery in Henley. I thought I could maybe buy a couple of bottles from their shop. Couldn't find it though and when I got back and re-read what it said on their website the shop/tap room had closed. Carried on to Hambledon and then Frieth up a very steep hill then down to Skirmet and back down the valley. When I got back to Henley I took the Nettlebed road but forgot it turns into a pretty unpleasant dual carriageway even with quieter roads. Cut off through the woods and back via Caversham. It was about 37 miles. I'd overdone it a bit. Had a zoom with Penno, Kevin and Adrienne in the evening.
Our weekly shop wasn't arriving until Saturday so on Friday I had to go out for extra wine supplies. Ian sent a video of a wooden puppet drinking a pint he had made. I couldn't resist putting a Fast Show soundtrack to it.
Garth seems keen to start another Soundtrap project with me and Kelvin. I've suggested The Weight and Ian has agreed to do the piano parts.
On Saturday evening after our meal we started watch the Parliament channel which was showing rerun of the 1964 election results coverage. Strangely interesting. So much so that we moved to the front room and started watching 1966 then 70 and 74.
Went for a walk on Sunday. Went via the bottle bank at Prospect Park. Amazingly the car park was full. Thought for a moment it might have been the mass gathering organised by the British Lunatic Movement but that was supposed to be on Saturday. Headed off to Tidmarsh and did a walk via Sulham and along Nunhide Lane and back. The church at Sulham was shut so took photos of the stained glass from the outside.
Got back in time for a swifty in The Peanut And Gerkin. Spotted one of these in the sky.

Has homemade pizza for tea but just in the oven. Watched telly invuding footage of the second 1974 election.

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Monday, May 11, 2020

Published Monday, May 11, 2020 by with 1 comment

Coronavirus - Sunday 10th May

We didn't get to bed until 1 30 as we watched the end of Normal People and then had to watch 3 episodes of The Fast Show to lighten our moods. Hence didn't get up til 10 30. M had some more leaflets to deliver and I mixed up some bread and then went out on my mountain bike. Cycled to Caversham and along the river to the Roebuck. Very pleasant and mot many people to avoid. Then went on the road to Pangbourne and cut though to Sulham and back down Nunhide Lane. Baked the bread when I got back.
Went for an earlyish ride on Tuesday. On the OS map there seems to be a footpath from the other side of Green Park to Southcote lock.
 I tried from the south side a few weeks ago but you get to some fishing lakes and it peters out. Thought I'd try it from north end but the field near the lock is muddy and pretty much impassable. So carried on along the canal and went round. Had a zoom with Penno, Kevin and Adrienne in the evening.
Wednesday's ride was checking out a change in my round Reading off road route from Charvil to The George on Wokingham Rd. There are some good tracks by the Loddon.
Bumped into Davy and Howie on their bikes in the Oracle Business Park. Tried to take photos of a blackbird getting food from Kelvin's garden.
Had a virtual Hop Leaf with Kelvin and Andy in the evening.
On Thursday I did the ride out on the A4 and over to Whitchurch and Mapledurham. Took a few more garden photos when I got back.
Did the NHS clap then had a zoom with the first Thursday drinking guys. Dave Kirkham and his wife and one daughter have had the virus. He had 3 really bad days. JR also thinks they have had a mild dose. Karen lost sense of taste and smell. Dave reckons he started with it the last time we met up. Russ had been stranded in Florida and had to pay for another flight back as BA cancelled all theirs. He hasn't been able to get the BA money back yet.
Tried to take photos of bees on Friday. They hang around the wisteria arch. This is about the best one I got.

The fact that Friday was a bank holiday because of 75 years after VE day had passed me by somehow. A socially distanced street party was planned. We initially thought we'd just show our faces to be sociable but ended with a table and chairs outside with a beer for me and GnT for M. It was quite good fun.
Chatted to Nepalese guy who lives in the flats next to Kelvin. He had previous worked in Wuhan and Italy!!!!. Works for Huawei. Steve and Derek across the road had made some spritzers with elderflower liquer which were very nice. Mark led a rendition of We'll Meet Again. After we went out supporting local businesses and bought flour from the Wolseley St Baker and beer from The Castle Tap. There was actually a queue inside. 
There was another street party going on down Coley Hill and ours was still alive so had a glass of fizz with Roger. Had beers in the garden followed by chicken casserole and telly. Did nod off a bit though.
A good start to the day on Saturday. Finished the Guardian prize crossword quite easily.
A swarm of bees appeared at the bottom of the garden. This is the 3rd year running round about this time of year. As last year they were coming from a hole in the walnut tree a few doors down. This time they settled in the judas tree.
Went for a drive to the West Berks Brewery to get supplies for me, Andy, Kelvin, Roger, Tony and Neil Latchford. They had lots of orders waiting to be collected. Took Andy's round and had a socially distanced chat. He gave me the bottles of Westvlereran for me and Kelvin he's been promising us for about 2 years.
I mention to Roger we were having a greek themed evening so he brought round some ouzo.
Had a skype with T,S,J and A followed by a zoom with the Luton lot.
Planned to go for a walk on Sunday but the weather turned so changed our minds.
I did a recording of Behind Blue Eyes to see if I could temp the Luton guys into a Soundtrap collaboration. Got a nibble of the same from Dave O'Neill and suggested Norwegian Wood or Maggie May to make use if his sitar and mandolin. M cooked some really nice steaks for tea. Boris announced some easing of the lock down that we aren't too sure about due to the the vagueness. From Monday people who cant work from home are encouraged to go back but should avoid publc transport. From Wednesday unlimited exercise, drive to exercise, sports within family groups enjoy parks without exercise. From 1st June at the earliest phased reopening of schools and shops From 1st July at the ealiest phased reopening of hospitality and public places. Social distancing to be maintained and all dependant on the infection rate, R, not getting above 1. Its between .5 and .9 at the moment. Increased testing and tracking to be introduced to help with this.
Dont think it will make much difference to us for a while.
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Monday, May 04, 2020

Published Monday, May 04, 2020 by with 0 comment

Coronavirus - Sunday 3rd May

Went for a longish ride and tried to find Ashford Hill but without success as I'd forgotten where it was and my phone died.
Wasn't far off though.
Floated the idea of an electric street sing a long with Tony and he's up for it. Found a great video of Match Of The Century featuring Tom and James when they were about 8 and 6 I'd guess. Andy Lewis was the ref. Also some of Zimbabwe I'd forgotten about. The wisteria arch is looking good.
The weather changed on Tuesday its much cooler and wet. Continued sorting out the VHS tapes. Had a call with the Kellys in the evening as its a year since Maureen died. Still raining on Wednesday. Did a video of our trip to visit Martin and Hillary in Norwich in 1986 and sent it to Liz. Had a call with Ian and Fran in the evening followed by a virtual pint with Andy and Kelvin. Still raining on Thursday. Started on a Soundtrap version of The Ghost Of Macon Jones with the Goolies. Did the NHS clap. Well supported again.
Weather a but better on Friday so went for a longush ride. Ended up in Bray. Did about 33 miles and got soaked twice but dried out apart from my socks. Noticed that the rape seed is flowering.
On Saturday we delivered some leaflets for the Covid 19 community support group that Tony is co-ordinating in our area. Its based on electoral wards so was a bit like delivering labour party leaflets. We wore gloves so was fairly safe. It was quite sunny but clouded over after we got back. M cooked a very tasty aubergine pasta bake. M did some gardening on Sunday but I did very little except play guitar. I did cook pizzas though as there were leftovers from the pasta bake, mozzarella, tomato sauce and pepperoni, so it had to be done. It was a dull cloudy day though so just did them in the oven. They turned out OK. Had one as a sort of focaccia to start with with hummus M had made. Watched the rest of Normal People which was excellent.
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