Monday, April 27, 2020

Published Monday, April 27, 2020 by with 0 comment

Coronavirus - Sunday 26th April

Went out for a ride on Monday morning and came across these bluebells in the golf course at Chazey Heath.
Tried to do some vocals for WALHFMF but its very hard.
On Tuesday morning M went for a run. I cycled down to Green Park then across to the Shinfield Rd and back that way. If would normally quite busy and unpleasant but was fine on a quiet sunny morning, about 10 miles. Danny video Whatsapped me in the evening so chatted with him and Sheila for about half an hour. They were in their conservatory with a fine view over the sea. A lot lighter up there as we also notice when we visit James and Amy. 
Floated the idea of doing a recording Play With Fire as I found an old version of me and Kelvin doing it.
I've got the VHS video copy working but the first impression is that the tapes are a bit warn. We'll see. Went for an afternoon ride to rediscover my off road round Reading route between Sindlesham and Shinfield. Very nice once I'd got there. Went past the Mad Stad and took this shot. Like a Tuesday evening game against Barnsley.
Lots of interesting birds in the flooded bit by the A33 relief road. Saw egrets and lapwings. Had a virtual pint down the Hop but just with Kelvin this time.
M went for a run and I mixed some bread dough and went for a ride down the Kennet as far as the Cunning Man. Baked the bread and had some fresh for lunch with a bit of cheese. Had a creative spell in the afternoon and took photos of plants in the garden. 

Did the weekly NHS clap. Very well attended this week. Had virtual pints with Penno, Kevin and Adrienne and Penno's friend Debbie who is a mobile hairdresser and so a bit screwed at the 
Friday started well. Had a chip butty for breakfast and spotted the first swifts of the year.
Went for a walk along the Kennet to Southcote Lock. A lot of traffic on the A33 Relief Rd. Got a nice photo of a heron.

M did lasagne with homemade pasta.Very nice, sat out in the garden after. This weeks post is a lot more detailed as I'm filling it in every day.
On Saturday had homemade ravioli. It was Steve's birthday across the road so there were socially distanced drinks in the street. There was a plan to take instruments to accompany the singing of happy birthday so I took my ukulele but I was too late. A chap called Mark brought his guitar and sang some songs. He was very good. Me and Tony joined in a bit. 
On Sunday we went into town to take photos of bits of Reading for the basis of a quiz. The emphasis changed to mainly pubs and clocks with the odd other thing thrown in. We sent it to Tom, Sally, James and Amy so we could go through it later in the planned Zoom catch up. James and Amy did remarkably well especially seeing as Amy doesn't really know Reading. We also did my album based music quiz which Tom and Sally won. Here's a fairly obvious pub clue.

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Monday, April 20, 2020

Published Monday, April 20, 2020 by with 0 comment

Coronavirus - Sunday 19th April

Still in lock down. The weather has continued to be good. Went out for earlyish morning rides on my mountain bike. Very pleasant. Things have been carrying on pretty much as before. Had virtual pints with Kelvin and Andy and Kevin, Adrienne and Penno again. Kelvin has gone back up north to his acres.
Tom has added some violin like guitar to Fishermans Blues and mixed it really well. I finished off all the other parts to Feel Like Makin Love and asked him to mix that too.
Shopping still being delivered OK and Ocado are allowing the existing customers priority when it comes to booking slots. We now have them booked until 8th May.
I bought a cassette player on line and it turned up. Listened to A Fistful Of Dollars, one of the few complete songs I ever wrote. Cracked me up. Some of the Dead Sea Trio stuff is remarkably good I think, particularly Martin Orrick's singing. Also found some recordings of a very young Tom and James telling jokes.
Cooked pizzas again today and they were very good again. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. Did a quiz with Bobby and Fiona and Judy and Mike. I did a music quiz which is based on album covers, starting with tiny segment and then revealing more.
Unfortunately there were technical difficulties as although I shared my screen no one else could see the pictures. Worked OK on the mac. It was good fun. B and F's was the easiest which was to their disadvantage so we ended up winning by 1 point.
Online quizzes are very popular. Tom was asking for some photos of him as a baby and Sally also sent us one of her. We assume these were also for a quiz.

It looks like the Wises had got the idea of clothing their children, but then Sally was the second so they'd had more practice.
I got some free beer from Beer52, the only problem is you need to phone up to cancel your subscription and they're not answering.

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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Published Sunday, April 12, 2020 by with 0 comment

Coronavirus - Easter Sunday 12th April

Another week of lock down. The weather has been excellent which is great but also frustrating. I've been out a few times on the bike including a couple of early rides (9ish) when M has also been for a run. It was a bit like when I cycled into work. Sets you up for the day. The number of deaths and reported cases has gone up but this was expected. Some are predicting we will be the worst case in Europe.
Had virtual pints with Kelvin and Andy and Kevin, Adrienne and Penno again and one with the greater Ounsleys on Good Friday. Tom and Sally had done a really good quiz but then history is being written by the winner.
Mixed progress on the Soundtrap front. With A Little Help From My Friends has stalled. I've nearly done all guitar parts for Feel Like Makin Love. Garth seems to have sussed out the midi drums and James has now done the mandolin intro.
Fiona down the street organised an Easter parade down Mansfield Rd. I wore my hippy outfit and M was a mysterious Spanish lady. Fiona was a chicken and Peter like a Peter Gabriel flower. Good fun and social distancing was stricly observed.
We managed to get some wholemeal bread flower from Sainsbury's and some white from the Wolseley St baker. Did great pizzas last night.
Had really great slow cooked, roast lamb tonight and ate outside.
Lots of birds in the garden. Just settling down to some telly.
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Monday, April 06, 2020

Published Monday, April 06, 2020 by with 0 comment

Coronavirus - Sunday 5th April

So another week in lock down has gone by.
Been out for a couple of rides. Cut the top off the hawthorn, tidied round the back of the shed and we're planning a walk later. That's been my excercise for the week. Had virtual pints with Kelvin and Andy and another with Penno, Kevin and Adrienne. Last night we had virtual shenanigans with the Luton lot as we were meant to being to Brian and Karen's.
The weather is fantastic but everyone has been told to stay at home.
It seemed as though Friday was going to be our last Ocado delivery as the regular orders were not being placed but now it looks like they are again. M sent a bag of flour to Tom through the post but they dont seem to have recieved it yet.
The Soundtrap sessions gave been going well. Roy and the Rogers have done Bad Man's Blood and Well All Right and are starting on the Jo Cocker version of With A Little Help From My Friends. The Reading lot have done Lets Work Together and Untitled (Love Song). Garth had aquired some drums but not sure hiw he's getting on with them. I've also started a session with Dylan. Haven't done anything over the weekend though as the weather has been so good.
Today we opened the pizza season rather unsuccessfully. It took nearly 3 hours from initial lighting to getting the first pizza
 The first 2 weren't that good but the third was OK.

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