Monday, February 01, 2021

Published Monday, February 01, 2021 by with 0 comment

Coronavirus - Sunday 31st January 2021

Took the masking tape off in the front room on Monday morning. It worked well with the exception of a few leaks that will need to he touched up. Matt and his mate came to install the new fitted cupboard. We all wore masks on arrival and then we just let them get on with it. For some reason the pilot light has gone out in fire in the kitchen and wont light again. Need to get a man in. On Tuesday I painted the cupboard. It looks great but will need another coat and its so dull by the time the first ones dried that it will have tp wait for tomorrow. I haven't had too many responses about the February Lockdown Festival so sent out reminders. Gave the cupboard another coat plus a fee other jobs on Wednesday. Had a zoom dpwn the Hop Leaf withAndy and Kelvin in the evening. On Thursday I started putting stuff back in the front room and Tony came to put the radiator back and fit new sockets. M went up to the library at the uni to pick up a book. All very quiet as hardly anyone around. Moved back into the front room on Friday. There's still a bit of touching up to be done round the sockets Tony replaced. A weird thing happened as the remote stopped working for the TV. Turned out to be the up arrow button that was stuck in. Watched a Cinematic Orchestra live stream on the telly in the evening. Thought I'd be able to cast if from my phone but couldn't so had to use the browser on the telly to get to it. That was a first apart from playing around when we first got it. URZ beat Bouremouth 3 1 to go fourth. A good start to the day on Saturday. We had a lie in but I baked some bread that was ready for breakfast. Did a bit more finishing off in the front room and putting stuff away. My January Berkshire Beer Box arrived. Had a zoom with the Lutonians in the evening. We did some of our quiz. Drank too much. A bit more touching up on Sunday and some research into bluetooth decks and speakers. The deck I wanted doesn't seem to be available. Have ordered a bluetooth transmitter to see if that will work with an existing deck. Did an experiment afterand think I will need a phoho amp as well.


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